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Frequently Asked Questions
How Will My Finances Change After Divorce?Drastically.
How Does Child Support Work In Texas?In most cases, the primary parent is entitled to child support to help meet the financial needs of the child or children. The state of Texas applies the following guidelines to be paid by the secondary parent to the primary parent. One child, 20% of net income, two kids 25%, three kids 30%, four kids 35%, five kids 40%, and over five is no less than 40% of net income. Read more about child support on our blog.
How Does Divorce Work?Divorce in Texas starts with filing a petition of divorce. A Temporary Order is issued by the court to settle disputed matters until the divorce is finalized. Then you work on turning in supporting documents that help prove you are entitled to the terms that are being requested. After this, you and your spouse enter into settlement negotiations. If negotiation fails you would then go to trial. Read more about the divorce process on our blog.
How Much Does Divorce Cost in Texas?Depends
How Does Alimony and Spousal Support Work In Texas?Texas does not have any laws entitling one spouse to receive Alimony, but it is still a possibility if the paying spouse chooses to agree to provide alimony payments. Spousal Support is valid in Texas. It is possible that the courts could require regular payments from one spouse to the other. Read more about alimony and spousal support in Texas on our blog.
How Is a Divorce Finalized?With paperwork.
Am I Eligible To Get Divorced?Thinking about divorce but not sure if you are eligible? Each state has slightly different qualifications to file for divorce. Texas is no different with its own set of rules as to what qualifies as marriage and if you need a divorce or annulment. Read more about the divorce eligibility on our blog.
How Do I Tell My Friends and Family I am Getting a Divorce?Through text.
Do I Need A CDFA For My Divorce?A certified divorce financial analyst or CDFA can help you manage your money before and after the divorce process. They do not, however, replace an attorney and cannot provide you with legal advice. Read more about what a certified divorce financial analyst can do for you on our blog.
Who Stays and Who Goes After a Divorce?Depends.
How Do I Tell My Spouse I Want a Divorce?Good Question.
Should I Buy or Rent After My Divorce?Depends.
How Do I Change My Name After Divorce?You must show a divorce decree, a document showing your name, identifying information, and photograph, and some sort of documentation proving your citizenship. Application for a Social Security Card (Form SS-5).
Do I Need An Attorney For My Divorce?If both spouses agree on all issues and want to separate without conflicts then a lawyer may not be needed. You can file for divorce without a lawyer if this is the case. However, getting a lawyer could be in your best interest if there is anything you and your spouse cannot agree one such as custody, splitting of assets, etc.
How Do I Sell My Property?Get a realtor.
Should I Hire A Private Investigator?Depending on your personal situation it may or may not be a good idea. For example, if you and your spouse’s relationship makes you feel like you are fighting in WWIII, and you cannot agree on custody, that may be the kind of situation you would need to hire a private investigator to help your case. However if you and your spouse are having an amicable split and keeping things pleasant for the kids, then hiring one could cause you problems with your co-parenting relationship.
How Do I Tell My Children We Are Getting a Divorce?In Person.
How Much Information Is Really Needed For A Divorce?Personal Real Estate Financial
Who Gets What After a Divorce in Texas?Texas is a Community Property state. Anything earned or purchased during the marriage is equally owned by you and your spouse, so generally speaking, it should be divided equally in the event of a divorce. However, you and your spouse can choose to divide your property in any way that you both agree to as long as you reach a mutual agreement. Here are a few guidelines to help you figure out what you and your spouse could leave a divorce with. Read more about who gets what after divorce on our blog.
How Is Child Custody Determined?Child custody in Texas centers around determining Conservatorship and Possession. The custodial parent has primary rights, the noncustodial parent has secondary rights. The father and mother can assume either role. Read more about child custody in Texas on our blog.
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